Why Music Drives Me: To Show the World Who You Are

Why Music Drives Me: To Show the World Who You Are

Ever since I was young, music has always been part of my life. It was something that connected me and my mom. To this day I connect to it. It is my way of relaxing, my way of zoning out. Most people find their passion in sports, school, dancing, painting, and other hobbies. Music is where I express myself the most.

When I first moved to Boston, I was always scared for people to see the real me, but it didn’t turn out to be that way. It was during the last couple of months of school when I heard about the Citi Performing Arts Center’s City Spotlights Leadership Program, a summer job program that develops leadership skills through the performing arts. Just the idea of performing for people sounded like so much fun. I just had to sign up and do an audition. The whole summer was amazing. I got to express my personality in so many ways. I was a little intimidated by all the great singers, but they made me feel so comfortable.

During the music specialty, we created original music not only to represent ourselves individually, but everyone in the whole community. The songs and music brought us together to open our eyes about issues we care about. That is why I put my passion towards something that will make a change in the world. I was so upset when City Spotlights ended because it was like a whole other family that I got, and I was so excited to learn I could join the school year program, Teen Leadership Council.

Citi Performing Arts Center’s Teen Leadership Council for me was just like City Spotlights except a smaller amount of people. We also focus on one major topic, which just happens to be the influence of power on self-image. Music was always number #1 for me, but City Spotlights taught me more about spoken word, dancing, and acting. Now I am applying my experience to Teen Leadership Council.

I have grown so much from these programs and I am thankful for them and the people I have met. I always grew up shy and I didn’t like to put myself out there but now I am the complete opposite. These programs have taught me so much, but the one thing that I now see every day is that no matter who is putting you down or who tells you that you can’t do it, don’t believe them. You have a chance. A chance to make a difference and a change to prove someone wrong. You were created to do something great, so show the world who you are.



The Power of Music